Tuesday 13 December 2011

How Big Are You Thinking

How Big Are You Thinking?

I strongly believe that most people-including sales people-don't think big enough. They succumb to small thinking and don't believe they can achieve big, audacious goals.
Yet, thinking big is one of the keys to success.
The other day I had a conversation with my business partner and we both agreed that we could achieve more and elevate the business to a new level.
Will it be easy?
Of course not.
But anything worth achieving is worth working for. I'm not sure who originally stated that but I firmly believe that we owe it to ourselves to set big, challenging goals.
Goals that scare you.
Goals that make you sweat and cause you to wake up in the middle of the night and ask yourself, "Can I really do this?"
If you settle for average, mediocre results you will never discover what you can actually achieve.
When you set your sights on achieving great things, the universe opens up and creates opportunities that will help you get there.
Stop settling for second-best or average results. Set big goals.
Make a pact with yourself that you will do something that you didn't think was possible. Even if you only get half or two-thirds of way, you will still achieve more than the average person.
And let's face it...you aren't average...are you?


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